Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Changing the global society  - bringing happiness             
After I watched the movies Into the Wild and Lost  in Translation, in which Alaska and Tokyo were serve as a place where people run away to escape from their problems and live another life - a life of happiness - I could connected to the Pico Ayer beliefs.  However, as said by a monk in a encounter with  Pico Ayer " to one rooted in Heaven, [all] places on earth will look the same" , we can reflected : Is it not our homes and a comfortable  places (Heaven) the place we should stay or experience global integration?

                 The movie Into the Wild by Sean Peen, narrates the Alex Super tramp's experience, in which he seeks for freedom and peace, believing that in order to reach his happiness he has to live in nature and wilderness. Yet, Pico Ayer stated in Global Soul that " Our shirking world gave more and more of us chance to see(…) how much we have in common" ; since globalization had reach a point where anyone can know whatever it wants anywhere, trying to find a place of happiness . But, It is a fact that regardless where we go will be a problem.
                In addition, Pico Ayer when talking about the globalized world, he stated that: "A leader such as Václay Havel always takes pains to stress that the main term to be qualified by 'global' should be 'responsibility' and that in a world in which everyone's problems are everyone's else's (…)" . Thus, he believe that in order to live in a global society people should care about others, living as a single nation, and also as we are the same race everyone should receive the same respect. On the other hand, Gary Snyder, a Buddhist, says that the process of meditation is the freedom 'liberation' of life: " has a grand view of universal salvation, the actual achievement of Buddhism  has been the developed of practical systems of meditation toward the end of liberating a few dedicated individuals from psychological hang-ups and cultural conditionings" . Thus, Snyder stated peace will be achieve by meditation and knowledge , in which is the system that make individuals follow the correct path according to him. Although I believe that globalization should be a process that eventually will bring the society together, where one need to see each other sided, in order to reach peace in this world, in which is basically based in economic and political competition.


    Where is my Alaska or Tokyo? So, I can't think in a place that would be my Alaska or Tokyo… As stated by Gary Snyder in the Planetary Culture: "economically dependent on a fantastic system of stimulation of greed that cannot be fulfilled, sexual desire, that cannot be satiated, and hatred that has no outlet except against itself" - this is a reason why many people are studying and trying to be successful, while trying to find their Alaska or Tokyo, since we have to make enough money to live comfortable and give our family the best life, in this way compromising our happiness. However, I agree to some extent, since some people don’t see this as the way to be happy; thus, my Alaska right now would be play volleyball the whole day and stay with my family and my friends, because is the way where I can fell happy, comfortable and protect.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Bystander Effect

 The word Genocide, from the Greek, Genos means family, tribe, race, and from the Latin - Caedes that is massacre. This term was originally coined by Raphael Lemkin, a Polish Jewish, in 1943. To define the word Genocide is debatable, but is basically define as crimes against humanity or war crimes. However, the United Nation' s Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide ,in 1948, defined as: "Any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group" such as:
(a)Killing members of the group;
(b)Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c)Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its
physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d)Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e)Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."
                 The Genocide is a process in which develop in eight stages - classification, symbolization, dehumanization, organization, polarization, preparation, extermination and denial. As we have been studied in the World History II classes, over the past years - 1915-1994, several Genocides perpetrated - Armenia, Holocaust, Cambodia, Rwanda. And as many of us did not know there are still currently genocides  around the world, in which there are no enough attention given to them, as there were to the Holocaust - that people easily assimilate when talking about genocides . According to the site genocidewatch.org there are  nine countries are experiencing genocide's at stage seven - extermination, current massacres : Democratic Republic of Congo Sudan, Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, North Korea, Myanmar and Ethiopia. And twelve countries under stage six - preparation, potential massacres: Nigeria, Lybia, Yemen, Colombia, Equatorial Guinea, Republic Congo, Chad, Central African Republic, Haiti, Kenya, Guinea- Bissau and PRChina. However, many people did not even know that there are Genocides currently happening in the world, since people who have the access to this type this information just prefer to take no notice of it and do something that it is going to benefit their life.

Unfortunately,   we live in a society which is dominated by bystander effect  that refers to cases in which individuals do not offer help to a victim. We have became accommodated with this situation, since we always think someone else we do for us.  I believe, we as students and teenagers always have the willingness to help, however we also believe that we can't take significant actions, in which will after led to huge changes. In addition, teenagers always assume that adults will act upon certain events, causing more impact. As we have been discussing in class, no one in our class doubts that Genocides will continue to be perpetrated in our world. So, "what will you do about this? Explain why you will be a bystander or if you decide to take action, what type of action will you take?" Before, I started researching I have no idea that there are currently Genocides happening. But now that I'm aware of this situations, I can say ashamed that I m a bystander . Though,  I used to say if a genocide happen I would be willing to help, still not taking  a direct action - going  there, and risking myself to save people who I do not even know  - but throughout some other organization, saving money. Yet, I have done nothing trying  to cause changes. But, if genocide was to happen in Brazil, and my family were directly involved, of course I would take direct action, trying to help, otherwise, I believe I would just be another bystander.

                Thus, I can define myself as a bystander, but I want to change this in the future, always seeking a better life for everyone.

   Stand Now
       End Genocide

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

  Mapping Our Future

             During the classes offered about Career Orientation, lecture by  Ms.Vanessa Benaci  I passed the whole time wondering - "What I wanna do for my life? And how could I combine all the things I like to do" ; that was the two questions that most came to my mind. Since choose the career path is a challenge. However, more important  than think, in which job  I will successes and what I wanna do for my life, what comes first, and it is really close, making me already anxious, nervous, worry,  it is what major subject in college and IB  I wanna do. Obviously , these thoughts will reflect and help, be use,  after in my job.

As you climb the ladder of success, be sure it's leaning against the right building - H.Jackson Brown, Jr.

                Moreover, as Vanessa Benaci giving some guidance and tips, she started one main concept that we should be taking in consideration. As we creating our future or  choosing a job , if the money was not worth, what we would do for life? Meaning, that we should not think as first in money, and what our job will offer, but do something that really enjoy to do, in which we have a pleasure. As Ms. Vanessa continue her  classes, she hand out a activity that proposed the following :  " If you had 5 lives ,what would you do with your time? 

                After, in another classes, we continued doing another tests and accomplishing another activities which had the objectives to clear our minds in what we want to do in the future. In order to we have some result Ms. Vanessa gave to us four test that would observe and reflect  what areas and careers each individual fits the better. The tests were based on My Holland Code and Myers-Briggs Typology, reflecting one's personality and values. These tests gave me some significant results opening my mind of some possibilities of courses and areas that I could be engaged with.

          Therefore, the classes that we took with Vanessa were incredibly important and valid, making me reflect, since it brought concrete thoughts and open my mind to a successful future, but that still I have a lot to work on.
"Dream big, it's the first step to success."

Friday, February 8, 2013

         Standardized tests are been require for the students in every  stage of their life, has already played a huge and impact role for success in life, however, have been debated issues for the past few years. The MAP test it is a clear example of inappropriate use, regarding their efficiency and if it actually evaluate the knowledge and the potential of the students, also just use as base for the international schools for evaluate where is their own level comparing to the other schools. In the beginning of  2013, teachers from Seattle's Garfield High School have boycotted the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) mandated by the state of Washington, the boycott decided after to make the student's scores get part of the teacher's assessments. This protest was decided since the students who do not take the test seriously would be affecting the school's and teacher's image. Thus, I appreciate the courage for  fight for what they want and believe it is better for them. However, it is not enough just some students protest we also have to take initiatives.

"We at Garfield are not against accountability or demonstrating student progress. We do insist on a form of assessment relevant to what we’re teaching in the classroom. Some of my colleagues would propose replacing the MAP with a test that is aligned to our curriculum.”

            I believe certainly, that sooner or later this tests would not be use anymore. Since, it not make a difference in the student knowledge and it not in the interest of students. With my own experience,  me and students in general just rush to the test , and ends up as a competition to see who finish first, or if we have no idea what is the answer for the question, we just skip rather than truly try , as we knowing that the scores will not make a difference and affect us. Why the schools does not develop a test valuing student's leaner profile? Or even Academic Portfolio evaluating each individual achievement? Not only assessing the student knowledge, but other abilities as critical-thinking, creativity, independence, responsibility, organization, open mind and others. Helping not only in that stage of the student's life, but as also in the society and for the future, in which this skills are not be able to tests in these kinds of tests. Besides, each student have different way of learning, with different perspectives.
       “It’s important to use test results, but it’s also important that they not become your oxygen.”–Pat Hunter, Principal of Maple Elementary, Seattle